I’m a photographer in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Over the last couple of decades, I’ve experimented with assorted cameras and film, including many old cameras (Brownie Hawkeye, Ansco Speedex, No. 2 Brownie and others), “toy” cameras with plastic lenses (Holga, Sprocket Rocket and others), cameras hand-made from cardboard or matboard and cameras without lenses (pinhole, zone plate). In a belated recognition of reality, I’ve also been using a digital camera since the end of 2015.
I’ve also helped organize the Somerville Toy Camera Festival and the North Cambridge Photographic Society.
My work has been shown at local galleries and beyond, including The Nave Gallery (Somerville, MA), the Cambridge Art Association, Maud Morgan Gallery and Stebbins Gallery (all in Cambridge MA), Bromfield Gallery (Boston), Schiltkamp Gallery at Clark University (Worcester MA), PhotoPlace Gallery (Middlebury, VT) and Rayko Photo Center (San Francisco).
Jim Zall